Helping Victorian students see their world and reach their full potential.


Welcome to Glasses for Kids

Transforming lives with the gift of vision

At State Schools’ Relief (SSR), we believe that clear vision is the gateway to learning and a brighter future for Victorian students. The Glasses for Kids program is part of our commitment to ensuring that young learners in Victoria can see the world with clarity and participate fully in their education. We provide in-school vision screening, further testing, and glasses (if required) to Prep to Grade 3 students in need, at no cost. Our program is proudly managed and delivered by State Schools’ Relief.


State Schools’ Relief is proud to announce that the Victorian State Government has partnered with SSR once again to deliver the Glasses for Kids program between 2024 and 2027.

The Glasses for Kids program aims to visit 770 primary and specialist schools and target up to 108,000 Prep – Year 3 students for initial vision screening during the program. If required, comprehensive eye testing and glasses will be provided to participating students at no cost.

A Victorian State Government and State Schools’ Relief initiative

2020 - 2023 Program Impact


Schools were visited


Vision screenings


Comprehensive eye exams were conducted


Pairs of glasses were provided

Learn more about our Program Impact

Every student deserves the right to a great education

The Glasses for Kids program was developed by State Schools’ Relief with the aim of addressing inequity by providing in-school vision screening with the overarching goal of removing vision impairment as a barrier to accessing education and achievement. The program is generously supported by the Victorian state government as part of its commitment to build the ‘Education State’ by ensuring that children from vulnerable families are supported to participate in education from the early years.

“Our student is reading aloud more confidently and fluently than ever before with a heightened sense of self-efficacy which has impacted all learning areas.”
Play Video
Information Video for Kids

Watch to learn more about what happens when the Glasses for Kids program visits your school!

Play Video
Information Video for Parents/Families

Watch to learn more about the Glasses for Kids program.

How it works


Schools are Invited

Schools are invited by the Department of Education to participate in the Glasses for Kids program.


Information Packs Provided

Information packs and consent forms are provided to the school to be distributed to families.


Consent Forms Are Collected

The school collects consent forms from families.


Free Vision Screening Performed

GFK staff and qualified optometrists will visit the school and offer participating students with initial vision screening and, if required, further testing and glasses at no cost.

Eligibility & How to Participate

You can participate as a school or as an optometrist​

Glasses for Kids is delivered to targeted schools in some of the most disadvantaged areas across Victoria. All Prep to Grade 3 students in the targeted schools are invited to participate. Click below to find out more.

"Thank you to the State Schools’ Relief Glasses for Kids program! The benefits to our rural students who received glasses cannot be underestimated."